Thanks to googles text recognition API I was able to effortlessly get text from the receipts I wanted to parse. In the picture above you can see I created a method I could pass images into which returned results through a callback. The strategy was simple. Here is the link I used to set […]
Category Archives: android
Easy Receipt
Easy receipts is an app I made that allows you to easily organize your receipts. Any one who has had to track their receipts knows the labors of carrying a folder around and then manually entering them into a computer and probably scanning them as well. This app is CONVENIENT. Just take a picture […]
Electric Skate Board
electric skateboard Describing my electric skateboard build. I have only driven this board seven miles so I cant say how far it will go. But I can say that its scary fast and very fun! Electrical was a cinch! Below you can see the layout of the parts that are needed for the electronics. […]
Updating the easy time card app
easy time card app android Updated and revised After releasing the easy time card app I realized that it looked very dull and relied heavily on androids basic graphics. It was a utility app I made for myself so early on this was ok. But after releasing it I wanted it to look […]
Adding a splash video player on Android
On my app I wanted to include an introductory video loaded directly ino the app instead of pulled form an internet source. Once the app was created I used a resource called handbrake which compressed my video into just a few megs. The I applied the following code… My main activity has two […]
Building a pdf programmatically on Android
In my recent project I needed to build a pdf and email it to a user. Android has a great library for this and I found it only took a few hours to get a reasonably readable pdf onto my screen. The basic outline goes as follows //create the pdf <pre>PdfDocument reportDocument = new […]
Draw an animated bar chart on Android
How I drew a live bar chart in my sound proofing and STC app available on google play Fast Fourier transform FFT android The above picture is a screenshot of my android app where I needed to live display over 100 data points onto my screen. Here is how I did just that. Important to know is […]
Getting Fast Fourier Transform data on Android
How I broke down the sound waves in my sound proofing and STC app available on google play In order to build this app I needed to understand how loud a sound was as well as which frequency I was hearing. Truthfully when I started this app I underestimated how difficult this would be. […]
Sound Proof STC APP – Available for android on google play store
The essence of construction if building a barrier between us and the elements of nature or often, just as importantly, other annoying people. But how do we do that relating to sound? In the late 60 sound proofing became a more examined topic in construction. It continues to evolve today but very little of […]
Easy Time Card App – The paper time card alternative
Many offices today are still filling out paper time cards. Why you ask? Nefarious software integration The learning curve Bugs or “features” Almost everyone is guilty of it. Software products are designed to work with constant support resulting in monthly or yearly fees. Upgrades, server costs etc. But most people aren’t getting paid to figure […]