In my recent project I needed to build a pdf and email it to a user. Android has a great library for this and I found it only took a few hours to get a reasonably readable pdf onto my screen.


The basic outline goes as follows

//create the pdf
<pre>PdfDocument reportDocument = new PdfDocument();
//create the page</pre>
<pre>PdfDocument.Page page = reportDocument.startPage(pageInfo);</pre>
* Do some stuff here. see further down

<pre>//end the page
<pre>//send it away to a file for storage or in my case an email for sending</pre>
<pre> pdfPath = getPDFFile(openProject.getProjectNme());
       FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(pdfPath);
        success = true;</pre>

Now for writing stuff on the pdf itself


//I had  made a chart earlier and wanted it displayed
<pre>page.getCanvas().drawBitmap(charts[0], 5, graphy, paint)

//drawing some text on the page by setting up a paint object</pre>
<pre>    Paint paint = new Paint();

//then writing</pre>
<pre>page.getCanvas().drawText("Source of Sound",width/2, titley, paint);</pre>


Really this is a super hackey way of doing it. There must be a cleaner API or if i ever need to do this again I will write one. But it works so I guess Ill come back to that at a later time.




Complete code here.

<pre>private void makePDF()
    Log.i(TAG, "makePDF: started");

    String sHighestDec;
    String sAverageHighestDecibel;

    String weighting = "For the purpose of soundproofing a nuisance noise must be 10 decibel lower than the ambient decibels of ";
    String weighting2 = "the rooms future use. So an office/library of 40 decibels would need its soundproofing to bring exterior";
    String weighting3 = "nuisance noise to 30 decibels to not be noticed by end users. Frequently due to uncontrollable ambient ";
    String weighting4 = "factors it will be impossible to measure the new low of your target sound if it drop below 40 db";

    String outerLimits = "Remember this is app is a crude measurement and educational tool.";
    String outerlimits2 = "Your  device may not produce or record some sounds due to hardware limitations";
    String outerlimits3 = "Secondly, you may not be able to hear all range of sounds. Wear ear protection!";

    int width = 1224;
    int height = 1584;
    int left = 5;
    float titley = ((float)(height * .04));
    float titleOney = ((float)(height * .06));
    float titleTwoy = ((float)(height * .08));
    float graphy = ((float)(height * .1));
    float lineOney = ((float)(height * .55));
    float lineTwoy = ((float)(height * .57));
    float lineThreey = ((float)(height * .59));
    float lineFoury = ((float)(height * .61));
    float lineFivey = ((float)(height * .63));
    float lineSixy = ((float)(height * .65));
    float lineSeveny = ((float)(height * .67));
    float lineEighty = ((float)(height * .69));
    float lineNiney = ((float)(height * .71));

    PdfDocument reportDocument = new PdfDocument();

    //page 1
    PdfDocument.PageInfo pageInfo = new PdfDocument.PageInfo.Builder(width,height,1).create();

    PdfDocument.Page page = reportDocument.startPage(pageInfo);

    Paint paint = new Paint();

    //title of page
    Log.i(TAG, "makePDF: page 1");

    String info1 = openProject.getProjectNme() + " " + openProject.getProjectLocation();
    page.getCanvas().drawText("Source of Sound",width/2, titley, paint);
    page.getCanvas().drawText(info1,width/2, titleOney , paint);
    info1 = openProject.getDate();
    page.getCanvas().drawText(info1,width/2, titleTwoy, paint);

    page.getCanvas().drawBitmap(charts[0], 5, graphy, paint);

    //highest decibel and at what frequency recordedHighestAverage
    sHighestDec = "The highest decibel recorded was : " + String.valueOf(valuesChartOne[0]) + "db at approximately " + String.valueOf(valuesChartOne[1] + " hz");
    page.getCanvas().drawText(sHighestDec, left, lineOney, paint);

    //average decibel recorded during total running average
    sAverageHighestDecibel = "The average decibel recorded was : " + String.valueOf(valuesChartOne[2]);
    page.getCanvas().drawText(sAverageHighestDecibel, left, lineTwoy, paint);

    page.getCanvas().drawText(outerLimits, left, lineThreey, paint);
    page.getCanvas().drawText(outerlimits2, left, lineFoury, paint);
    page.getCanvas().drawText(outerlimits3, left, lineFivey, paint);


    //page 2
    Log.i(TAG, "makePDF: page 2");
    if  (charts[1] != null) {
        pageInfo = new PdfDocument.PageInfo.Builder(width, height, 2).create();

        page = reportDocument.startPage(pageInfo);

        //title of page
        page.getCanvas().drawText("Receiving Area", width / 2, titley, paint);

        //chart of recording
        page.getCanvas().drawBitmap(charts[1], 5, graphy, null);

        //highest decibel and at what frequency
        sHighestDec = "The highest decibel recorded was : " + String.valueOf(valuesChartTwo[0]) + "db at approximately " + String.valueOf(valuesChartTwo[1] + " hz");
        page.getCanvas().drawText(sHighestDec, left, lineOney, paint);

        //average decibel and at what frequency
        sAverageHighestDecibel = "The average decibel recorded was : " + String.valueOf(valuesChartTwo[2]);
        page.getCanvas().drawText(sAverageHighestDecibel, left, lineTwoy, paint);


        //if barrier what stl or not calculatable
        if (stcSuccess){

            String values = "Db lost : ";

            for (double d :
                    diff) {
                //Log.i(TAG, "makePDF: " + String.valueOf(d));
                int t = (int) Math.round(d);

                values += String.valueOf(t) + " ";


            page.getCanvas().drawText(values , left, lineThreey, paint);
            page.getCanvas().drawText("Stc rating of this barrier is " + String.valueOf(stcRating), left, lineFoury, paint);


            page.getCanvas().drawText("Stc rating was not successfully calculated", left, lineThreey, paint);


        // weighting a sound
        page.getCanvas().drawText(weighting, left, lineFivey, paint);
        page.getCanvas().drawText(weighting2, left, lineSixy, paint);
        page.getCanvas().drawText(weighting3, left, lineSeveny, paint);
        page.getCanvas().drawText(weighting4, left, lineEighty, paint);



    //page 3
        if (charts[2] != null) {

            Log.i(TAG, "makePDF: page 3");
            pageInfo = new PdfDocument.PageInfo.Builder(width, height, 3).create();
            page = reportDocument.startPage(pageInfo);

            Material m = chosenMaterial.get(0);

            //title of page
            page.getCanvas().drawText("Simulation", width / 2, titley, paint);
            info1 = m.getMaterialName() + " - " + m.getMaterialDescription();
            if (info1.length() < 100)
                page.getCanvas().drawText(info1, width / 2, titleOney, paint);
            } else  {

                String one = info1.substring(0, info1.length()/2);
                String two = info1.substring(info1.length()/2 +1, info1.length());

                page.getCanvas().drawText(one, width / 2, titleOney, paint);
                page.getCanvas().drawText(two, width / 2, titleTwoy, paint);

            //chart of recording
            page.getCanvas().drawBitmap(charts[2], left, graphy, null);

            //highest decibel and at what frequency
            sHighestDec = "The highest decibel recorded was : " + String.valueOf(valuesChartThree[0]) + " at approximately " + String.valueOf(valuesChartThree[1] + " hz");
            page.getCanvas().drawText(sHighestDec, left, lineOney, paint);

            //average decibel not being calculated

            //describe green and red marks
            info1 = "The green bars are "A" weighted to human perception based on frequency.";
            page.getCanvas().drawText(info1,left,lineFoury , paint);

            info1 = "The red dots are NC25 rating. (Allowable sound penetration for many use types)";
            page.getCanvas().drawText(info1,left,lineFivey , paint);


    boolean success = false;

    try {

       pdfPath = getPDFFile(openProject.getProjectNme());
       FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(pdfPath);
        success = true;

}catch (IOException f) {
        Log.e(TAG, "makePDF: ", f);
    }finally {

        if (success) {
        }else   {



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