git tutorial / cheat sheet



Using Git was a bit of a headache the first time around.

I remember day 1 complaining about it every 5 minutes. After a few days it becomes a trusted friend.

Here is the tutorial I wish I found when learning to use it.

Enjoy…and download the pdf version for the yellow highlighting which helps a lot


Download PDF Here



Highlighted yellow are steps to load new project for first time

git version

Make sure git is installed

git config –global “yourname”

git config –global “youremail”

add your contact and signature to commits automatically

git config –list

see you current set up

git help <verb>

git <verb> –help

get help and commands about subject

dir cd “name of folder” cd ..

dir show a list of file and cd takes you there. Cd .. takes you back

git init

This creates a folder in your local code which will keep track of the code and communicate with remote code source. Nothing si automatic. Your “working folder” contents must be added in future steps for the folder git init to work with it.

git status

(See .gitignore at this point)

This will show files that are not being tracked by your git init object.

This will show files that are being tracked and are in the staging area

git add <somefile>

git add -A

This will add files to the staging area. They are still in working folder but git understand you want to work with themin future git commands.

git reset <filename>

git reset

removes this from staging are. Git still sees it but is not working with it anymore.

git commit -m “your message”

commit command creates a data point saying someone updated the project at this point. The -m command is required so you can send a message to let future readers know what this commit was about. (Try git status now. It will say that your working directory is clean. You havent uploaded yet but there is nothing more to upload besides the files buffered into your commit)

git log

You can see the log of commits

git remote add “somename” “somelocation”

This command will link your git init object to the remote repository. “somename might be “origin” and “somelocation might be ” c:projectsfilesthisproject” or “

git push -u origin master

Remember when you made a commit? This takes that commit and pushes it to the remote repository. The -u symbol i have no idea. The origin defines the repository location which was added in the previous instruction. And the master means added to the master branch

git pull origin master

same as above but reverse. Bring remote to local

git clone <url>

Navigate your console to desired download location and clone a repository there wth this command. Remmber this does everything for youso no need to make a git init.just reference project folder probably

git remote -v

view remote repo info

git branch -a

check branches. Unless you a master commit kinda person(your not)

git diff

see code changes between working and local staging

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