Retail buildout

This job was located in Long Beach California. It was performed for an out of state contractor in a bug hurry.


Although I am a general contractor I frequently am hired by other general contractors to do entire jobs. Especially retail from property managers back east. This was one of those jobs.

I was called in to give a bid on a project that was a last minute and needed to get done fast. It had a little bit of everything from framing a new partition wall. To installing underground electrical and low voltage and lots of odds and ends. They sent a superintendent from another state who was a great guy to work with. However the plans and lights were shipped from out of state so you know there is a good chance of title 24 issues.


Also the primary contractor had a liquidated damages agreement. I sympathized but didn’t agree to a completion date because I don’t promise unless I can for sure deliver. We still made the date but I and worked hard to do it. But I won’t take on someone else’s stress at this point in my life. I have enough of my own!

This is always a good job for me because of my broad experience and great set up I can quickly work through multiple trades without downtime.

Right away we framed the walls. The wall was built under the suspended eiling with our overhead kickers at 4′ o.c. Screwing , drywall and taping no problem. This was a great example of using the taping banjo. Sorry I didn’t get pics!

We saw-cut and dug out our underground power supply chase as neatly as possible because there was ceramic tile down already. Installed and re poured very quickly.


There was a vanilla shell existing so we only reworked lighting an controls. We were working long hours and very closely with the out of state superintendent who was doing the painting and millwork.

All together we built this retail out in two weeks flat. The key to success was being prepared and not having to wait around for different tradespeople and there schedules. Even now I see electrical companies dividing into two parts. The wire and fixture installers and the programmers. Luckily, being a computer programmer I can make quick work of the title 24 controls being used so I don’t have the burden of calling in a different team every single day.

Some jobs just can’t afford to be a day late!


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