I rarely see good contracts. Most people just make some stuff up without really thinking about what they are doing but as you grow you will find it necessary to create a contract template that would take a beating from the talented and “useful” legal minds currently knocking clueless contractors into the poor house. Check out the products page for a fully legal contract template. This article does not constitute legal advice. Consult an attorney for more information regarding contract law.
1. Basics
A contract is an agreement between two people. It should always be in written form to avoid confusion.
A contract can be changed when all parties agree through a contract addendum, amendment or in a construction contract a change order.
Signing a contract is called execution
A contract must be balanced, fair and drafted with the intention of not misleading either party.
It must name both parties along with their performance. Performance means what they agree to do within the contract.
A contract must meet all legal requirements of the jurisdiction in which it is subject.
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